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"At Inteholistic, we INTEGRATE, we INTERACT, we INSPIRE..."

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"Our intelligent body has the capacity to compensate restriction and heal itself"

Symptoms arise often due to numerous physical/emotional restrictions and other tensions accumulating to the degree that our body is no longer able to compensate


By listening to your body's needs and addressing and releasing bodily restrictions/tension we promote an optimum environment for your body to regain its adaptation and continue its healing journey again

 At Inteholistic, we listen to your body, assess the restriction precisely and utilise visceral or neuromeningeal techniques to gently assist releasing the tension lines and improve any organ related fascial restrictions. These gentle approaches can potentially improve restrictions to the related organ, the organs function, mobility related to the musculoskeletal system and generally the structure and integrity of the entire body. 

"more than 90% of musculoskeletal problems have an important visceral or cranial component."
- Dr Jean-Pierre Barral

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“The body is a symphony of motion. On every level, our greatest promise for health is achieved when our body parts, from cellular to gross, are free to move in harmony with one another”
- Dr. John E. Upledger 

At Inteholistic, we identify these restrictions through whole body evaluation and can then improve cranial mobility and neural tension using very gentle manual therapy techniques. We facilitate the body’s natural and own inner healing processes along with SomatoEmotional Release to help promote and restore the function of our central nervous system. Physical conditions can in some cases be related to and addressed by somatic release such as post traumatic stress, depression and anxiety, resulting in a ripple effect towards improving the digestive, musculoskeletal, respiratory and circulatory functions. 

Pain arises where there is stagnation, where there is flow there is no pain 

We incorporate non-insertion integrative acupuncture and meridians therapy as part of our diagnostic evaluation process and treatment to help facilitate and restore the balance between mind, body and heart. 

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“...these unresolved energetic lesions can result in structural and functional limitations leading to pain, altered function, and abnormal physiology."
- Dr. Kerry D'Ambrogio

At Inteholistic, we integrate total energetic balancing and BodyTalk system as a part of our assessment and treatment in order to gather further information to provide the most suitable support for the specific needs for each client’s journey.

 Our approach to Physical therapy is about awareness, inspiration and empowerment. Based on the whole body assessment we will draw from some of the following  techniques as part of the treatments to address your condition: fluid articular release, new manual articular approaches, muscle energy technique, myofascial release technique, joint mobilisations, postural retraining and performance driven rehabilitation and strategies.

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Book an appointment to begin our Inteholistic journey together

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