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Visceral & Neural Manipulation 

Visceral mobilisation is a gentle fascial mobilisation approach involving specific placement using soft manual forces to encourage normal mobility, tone and motion of the organ and connective tissues and ligaments. Harmony and health exist when the motion is free and exertion can be used fully without restraint.  According to Dr Jean-Pierre Barral, the founder of Barral Institute a Diplomate of Osteopathy and Physical Therapist, "more than 90% of musculoskeletal problems have an important visceral or cranial component." Fascial restrictions in any organ tissues can create resistance and tension lines against the healthy movement in our respiratory, digestive, musculoskeletal and nervous systems.

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At Inteholistic, we assess the restriction precisely and utilise visceral mobilisation techniques to gently assist releasing the tension lines and improve any organ related fascial restrictions. These gentle approaches can potentially improve restrictions to the related organ, the organs function, mobility related to the musculoskeletal system and generally the structure and integrity of the entire body. 

Neural Manipulation is a gentle and non-invasive approach to facilitate free movement of the nerves in their surroundings; that is, in relation to adjacent muscles, fascia, narrow passages in the aponeurosis, organs and bones. According to Dr Jean-Pierre Barral, the founder of Barral Institute a Diplomate of Osteopathy and Physical Therapist, “A nerve only functions optimally when it is able to move freely in its surrounding tissues.”

​"Any organ that is congested, sensitive, somewhat immobile or indurated cannot have beneficial effects on the organism. Restoring organ to its proper condition improves homeostasis and stimulates the larger functions." Dr Jean-Pierre Barral

At inteholistic, we first identify the most significant areas that reduced mobility. In most cases, those significant restricted areas may not at the site of symptoms. This is because, we consider the fascial rings and tunnels in which nerves exist and restore the slide of the nerves within these structures to enhance their function.  By restoring and facilitating neural glide both in terms of its surrounding extra neural tissue and intra neural connective tissue layers, the nerve fixation can be free. This helps restore the proper signalling to the compromised structures it innervates and therefore improve the function of those structures, such as muscle, organ, or fascia.

Equivalent training and qualifications 

Barrel Institute​

  • Advanced Visceral Manipulation: The Brain (AVMTB)

  • Visceral manipulation: Abdomen 1 & 2, Pelvis, Thorax

  • New manual articular approach

  • Neuromeningeal manipulation: An Integrative Approach to Trauma

  • Peripheral Nerve Manipulation; Upper & Lower Body

Book an appointment to begin our Inteholistic journey together

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