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Eat Well. Drink Well. Sleep Well.

It is not just about the “What”. Let’s understand the “why”, and here’s “How”.

How eat well?  Appreciate the presentation and the fragrance of the food, then chew chew chew.

Our digestion start from the moment it appears in front of us, our optic nerves receive the massage of “food” to our brain, my brain will send msg to our digestive system, it’s time to work!

When we appreciate the fragrance of the food, our olfactory nerve send message “yummy” to our brain, or if the food is off, it will immediately send the message to our brain “stay away from this” in order to protect our digestive system.

Finally the chewing part, the beginning of our digestive system pathway. While chewing helps break down food for easier digestion, it also triggers the saliva response. Our saliva has enzymes help breakdown food contents for easier absorption. It also makes swallowing food easier, provides a lubrication effect that protects our stomach wall, and antibacterial effect of fighting off bacteria entering the mouth. Chewing approximately 10-20 times before we swallow, can help promote the habit of chewing and better digestion process.

It’s not just about what we eat, how we eat also matter~

Hydrate your body with sufficient amount of water per day, preferably having beverages that serve in warm or room temperature.

Why water? This is because our body composed by an average roughly 60% of water.  It doesn’t mean that we could not survive without less amount of water, but why we choose to survive when we can thrive.

Furthermore, Water is an essential component in detoxifying and clearing toxins from your body. It also act like lubricant in our gut to help mobilise our digestion. Water also helps improve the viscosity of our blood, this improves our blood circulation a lot easier without putting our heart in stress.

Why warm water or room temperature? One of the function of our liver is to regulate our body temperatures.  If we feed our body system with cold beverages, our liver has to warm up our digestive system first before facilitating the digestive progress.

Here’s the how ~ Let’s challenge yourself by building this new habit in you. For example,

  • Adding to your morning routine with two glasses of water

  • Carry a large water bottle with you

  • Instead of coffee/tea/wine, consider of having a glass of water instead

  • Before reaching to your cold beverages in the fridge, have a glass of warm water instead

  • “Spice up” your glass of water with a squeeze of lime

Why sleeping is important?

Sleep has a vital recovery function for our lives. It not only helps our body recover and repair, support brain development, nourish our nervous system, promote heart function and body metabolism, as well as support learning, improving memory and mood.

According to sleep health foundation, most adults require between 7 and 9 hours a night to feel properly refreshed and function at their best the next day.

Interestingly, from the traditional chinese medicine perspective, our body clock also have a reflection towards our organs. For example, 1-3am is a time period reflecting the liver, during this sleep cycling, it is suggested that the toxins/chemicals/substances are being process at this time as well as for new blood to be replenished.

Hence, I encourage everyone to take good care yourself, your body and your sleep. Seek help and schedule a consultation with your health professional needed.

Eat well. Drink well. Sleep well.

We are here to thrive, not just survive.

Book an appointment to begin our Inteholistic journey together

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