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  • inteholistic

Identify the missing component

Have you ever felt that you are missing the full picture of the story when is comes to addressing your symptoms or conditions? According to Dr Jean-Pierre Barral, more than 90% of musculoskeletal problems have an important visceral or cranial component .

For example, some of the unexplained shoulder discomfort or limited shoulder range of movement without any associate mechanism of injury. Its restrictions can be pulled from the abdomen area. Another example is, some people may experience their lower back pain symptoms were worsen during the menstrual cycles. Hence, when applying a warm pack at the lower abdomen as part of remedy, the back pain tend to improve too.

At Inteholistic, we listen to your body, assess the restriction precisely and utilise visceral, neuromeningeal and/or craniosacral techniques to gently assist releasing the tension lines and improve any organ related fascial restrictions. These gentle approaches can potentially improve restrictions to the related organ, the organs function, mobility related to the musculoskeletal system and generally the structure and integrity of the entire body.

If you don’t want to feel miss out, you can now make a booking online via our website today.

Book an appointment to begin our Inteholistic journey together

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