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The L.O.V.E. Potion towards better gut health

Love is like a lost fart. If you have to force it, it's probably shit.” ― Stephen K. Amos

If you try to hold on to it, initially, you might get bloated. The moment you let it go, it could turn into an explosive lingering air bomb.

Talking care of our gut is like looking after ourselves during any kind of relationships, that is, we all need to put the right amount of LOVE, not too much, not too little. It has to be just right to create harmony, so that the so-call air bombing experience can become more like a pleasant moment.

Hence, here’s the L.O.V.E. Potion for better gut health

L = Less

O = Oily (food)


V = Variety (foods), Vigorous (exercises)

E = Exercises, Eliminate

A healthy digestive tract requires good exposure to variety of food with different textures and various nutrients, this is because our digestive system needs exercises too. Too much oily food makes the tract become “slippery” and requires more bile juices to digest. This is like meeting someone with too much grease and/or greediness, you probably wanting to slip out from them eventually, right ?

A healthy amount of genuine generosity (towards our gut) creates greater harmony between all parties (especially for our digestive system). This goes a long way, any time it is too much or too little from either party is a no no.

Question, if variety is that important, why we need eliminate?

Here’s come to your power of swiping left or right.

You don’t know until you swipe, then you might found out if you have swiped the right.

Just because you swipe right it is also important to take action.

Action creates motion, motion is lotion.

Prolong sitting causes stagnation, hence, some form of regular vigorous physical exercises can promote regular bowel movement.

That said, once you found your LOVE, meaning the kinds of food you enjoy and they blend well with your gut. This is like, you found your cool peeps to hang out with, who collaborate well with you, Then, go for it and commit to eat.

While having oily foods occasionally, is like having a chitchat with someone you know they are not the right, so pretty please, don’t be a cheater to your Gut.

Love it? Then love eat more ~ amoré

To those who maybe a little too sensitive to the above information, we respect you, but please don’t take it too FAR,Thanks ~!

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